Rob McCorkle

When you ask Rob McCorkle about his calling, he’ll tell you it's twofold: to preach and to write. After experiencing a powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the church he pastored, Rob faced the challenge of stewarding a lasting revival atmosphere. Raised in the Holiness tradition, he witnessed a strong emphasis on preaching the Word, but very little training on how to flow in the Spirit. From this, Rob realized that ministries built solely on the Word can dry up, while those focused only on the Spirit can blow up. The key to lasting growth is the fusion of both Word and Spirit—this is how he sustained revival in his church.

Driven by this revelation, Rob completed his Doctor of Ministry in 2013, with a dissertation focused on reuniting Word and Spirit in the Holiness movement. As the founder of Fire School Ministries, Rob has created resources to help believers live in a continuous revival atmosphere. In addition to his writing, Rob travels full-time, sharing kingdom truths and imparting spiritual wisdom to pastors, leaders, and congregations across denominational lines.

Cindy McCorkle

When you ask Cindy McCorkle about her calling, she will tell you it's simple: to make Christianity practical and effective. Gifted with divine organizational abilities from a young age, Cindy’s true passion lies in helping people discover their identity in Christ, walk in freedom, and make a lasting spiritual impact. In 2012, she responded to God’s call to be ordained and co-lead the church she and Rob pastored, where the tangible presence of God deeply impacted the congregation.

Cindy’s greatest passion is mentoring women in the faith—helping them discover their value in God’s kingdom and understand how being a daughter of the King shapes every area of life. From motherhood to ministry, Cindy guides women in how their identity in Christ influences relationships with spouses, children, co-workers, and employers. Whether it’s baking, housekeeping, or choosing a career, Cindy believes that understanding who you are in Christ transforms every aspect of life. As the co-founder of Fire School Ministries, she spends her time traveling, writing, mentoring, teaching, and caring for her home.


Join us at one of our upcoming ministry events to embark on a journey of spiritual growth and revival. Our ministry events are designed to create an atmosphere where you can encounter the transforming power of God and experience His presence.