Fire School Newsletter: Ministry Report


Corey Jones and I just returned home from a three-week ministry trip to Fiji, Australia, and New Zealand. My mind and heart are still trying to comprehend and process everything that we saw, did, and experienced on this trip. When it was all completed, we ministered to nearly 20 different nationalities in 3 countries, we completed 17 services—including two conferences—and survived 1 bus trip, 2 train rides, 3 cab rides, and 13 flights.

I want to thank the many churches across the country who prayed for this ministry trip. Many of you prayed and fasted and some even prayed in the midnight hours when we were actually ministering. And many thanks to those who contributed financially to this trip, too. Trying to explain everything that we saw God do would take months, but this much for sure: He is awakening His Church. We saw people come to faith, healed, baptized in the Spirit, sanctified, delivered, and many have encounters with God that will alter their lives forever. From seniors to children, the power of the Holy Spirit was poured out. Many services were filled with people crying out for God’s manifest presence to move upon them, their churches, and their nations. 


Much of what we accomplished was organized by three incredible District Superintendents and one retired D.S. I honor Drs. Satish Manmothe, Kofoa Muaror, Bruce Allder, and Neville Bartle. Their hunger and passion to see God move on their churches, districts, and countries gave us permission to do what we did. As you think about these three countries, and these leaders, continue to pray that the seeds sown will produce a kingdom harvest. We hope to return in 2019 and experience even greater things.

I'm so blessed by God's call to re-dig the ancient wells in the Holiness movement. My desire is to live as a "yes" man to everything that the Holy Spirit asks of me. I honor and bless the Lord.

Rob McCorkle
Rob believes in the message of purity and power. In 2013, he completed his Doctor of Ministry from United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. His dissertation discusses the fusion of Word and Spirit in the Holiness movement with special emphasis on the supernatural gifts. Rob is the founder of Fire School Ministries, a ministry organization with the distinct purpose of re-digging the wells in the Holiness movement.

Relaunch: Fire School Ministries


No Turning Back