Prevailing in the Battle Zone

An in-depth, biblical examination of spiritual warfare

The Bible says, “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds” (2 Corinthians 10:4). The word “stronghold” (ochuroma) means a prison. The picture behind this word is a structure with very high walls, like a fortress, that keeps people locked inside. This word is used to describe what happens when we listen to the lies of the enemy. When we listen to lies we empower the liar. It isn’t long until we find ourselves trapped and paralyzed by fear, doubt, unbelief, and many other strongholds. Strongholds have trapped people in the Church for years. One author defines them this way: “A spiritual stronghold is a mind-set impregnated with hopelessness that causes us to accept as unchangeable, situations that we know are contrary to the will of God.”

These messages will teach Christians about biblical strongholds identified in the Scriptures that attempt to paralyze and destroy their lives. Additionally, they will equip believers with the ability to tear those strongholds down and discover their true identity. A few of the lessons include: The battle for the mind, religion and demonic spirits, the keys to the kingdom, and walking in freedom. Christ has come to set us free, therefore, it is possible to not only experience liberty from strongholds, but continue to walk in freedom and authority through the power of Christ. Discover how you can walk in victory each day over the ploys and tactics of the enemy. Discover your place of rest, seated in heavenly realms with Christ Jesus. Learn who you really are in Him.

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